
DMEA - Entering the German Healthcare IT Market

Internationale Besucher sitzen zusammen und hören dem Programm zu

This was DMEA - Connecting Digital Health - in Berlin

From 9 to 11 April 2024, Europe's largest event for Health IT was once again gathering the industry’s leading players in the Berlin exhibition halls. For three days DMEA provides an innovative hub for Digital Health, covering the entire healthcare process within the winning combination of a trade fair and extensive program surrounding digital processes and products.

Save the Date: DMEA 2025 - 08 - 10 April in Berlin

That´s what our international exhibitors say

“The companies on the pavilion learned about the German digital healthcare market and got to meet important stakeholders to further expand their business.”

Pieter van Beers, Task Force Health Care - The Netherlanfs

If there is one European meeting point for the hospital IT hardware community, DMEA is it. We have been a part of it since 2015 and are happy to see it get more comprehensive and more international every year.

Geraldien De Louwere-Schasfoort, Man & Machine

« The DMEA gives Enovacom, as a unique French interoperability solution provider, the opportunity once a year to meet directly with our German-speaking customers and partners as well as interested parties to discuss their interoperability strategy. We also appreciate the extensive conference programm and the professionalism of the organising team. »

Michael Ringsgwandl - DACH countries sales - Enovacom


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the DMEA team

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