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Webinar: Successful in the digital healthcare market in Germany

Everything important about the German healthcare market and the DMEA 2023.
Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) is the Federal Republic of Germany's foreign trade and location marketing company. In addition to export promotion, GTAI also recruits and advises foreign investors. They also strengthen the image of Germany as a business location and place a regional focus on regions undergoing structural change and on areas affected by the coal phase-out. In addition, GTAI provides information about Germany as a business location - it prepares market and industry analyses, advises foreign customers on tax and labor law in Germany, and provides information on subsidies and financing.
In the webinar, GTAI focused on the German healthcare market:
- Here, 466 billion euros are spent on healthcare
- Around 73 million people have statutory health insurance / just under 9 million people are privately insured
- 7.5 million people work in the German healthcare system - including 416,000 physicians.
- There are around 1,900 hospitals and 18,000 pharmacies.
The German population is one of the oldest in the world. The proportion of people over 65 here is 22%. In Europe, it is 19% and worldwide just 9%. Digital healthcare is becoming increasingly important for this reason.
On the second day of DMEA, GTAI will also be on stage. In the panel "Digital Health across Borders - Experiences from the International Delegation", representatives from Israel, France, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands will speak about the current developments in digital health in their home countries.
Mark your calendars now: April 26, 2023, 5 p.m., _Stage B (Hall 5.2).
In the webinar, the German Federal Association for Health IT (bvitg) talked about the digitization strategy for healthcare and nursing, among other topics. At the beginning of March, Federal Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach presented the strategy. It is not a law but a draft for at least two planned laws: the Digital Act and the Health Data Use Act.
The contents of the digitization strategy include:
- ePA Opt Out: The ePA (electronic patient record) will be partially mandatory. Every member of statutory health insurance will automatically receive an ePA unless he or she objects. According to the BMG, the ePA will be available to 80% of statutory health insurance members (nearly 60 million).
- From 2024, the e-prescription will be mandatory and exclusive. 500 million prescriptions are issued in Germany every year. Only one million of these were e-prescriptions this year
- Removal of the 30% limit for telemedicine billing options.
- 1 state data protection commissioner instead of 16 at present (combating overregulation)
- Strengthening the research landscape: political goal is 300 funded projects, access to health data for private research.
And also DMEA was briefly introduced again in the webinar for foreign interested parties:
- From April 25-27, 2023, DMEA, Europe's leading event for the digitization of healthcare, will take place at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds.
- More than 700 national and international exhibitors have registered for DMEA so far, including 70 startups.
- More than 200 speakers will take to the stages on all three days of DMEA to talk about their visions and solutions for the digitization of healthcare.
- Around 12,000 visitors:inside are expected at DMEA 2023.
- Save the Date: April 9 - 11, 2024.
Almost 100 people from 14 countries, including Albania, China, Egypt or Finland, participated live in the webinar. Nearly 70 participants from New Zealand, the USA or Japan registered for the webinar but did not watch it live due to the time difference.
If you want to watch the webinar of GTAI, bvitg and DMEA again, please click here for the stream.
The presentations can be found here.