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DMEA Seminars

Level Up Your Expertise.
Attention: All seminars will be held exclusively in GERMAN.
Access the concise knowledge in the individual seminars that will help you and your company or organization to drive forward and to excel.
The compact and interactive DMEA seminars are aimed at all persons with a direct involvement to digital health – supporting them in their professionalization and providing orientation in the extremely dynamic field of digital healthcare.
Experts will provide attendees with practical insights on selected key topics and demonstrate the current state of health IT.
Please note that a separate seminar ticket must be booked in the DMEA Ticket Shop in order to attend a DMEA Seminar.
In addition to admission to the Seminar, the booked Seminar ticket will also entitle to enter the DMEA on all three days of the event.
Key topics of the DMEA Seminars 2025
Attention: This DMEA Seminar will be held exclusively in German.
Impact of the AI Act & other regulatory requirements on manufacturers and operators of AI-based (medical) products
April 8, 2025 | 10.30 am - 1.30 pm
Seminar leader and moderator:
- Prof. Dr. Gregor Hülsken, German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS)
- Prof. Dr. Christian Johner, Johner Institute
The AI Act is already in force. It places requirements on manufacturers and operators of AI-based products, e.g. clinical information systems, apps, medical devices and IVDs.
This seminar provides these manufacturers and operators with an overview of the regulatory requirements. It provides practical tips on how to meet these requirements quickly and with minimal effort before the end of the transition period.
Contents of this seminar
- Introduction: terms, procedures, application examples
- Overview of the regulatory framework in the EU
- Interaction between MDR/ IVDR and AI Act
- Requirements of the AI Act for manufacturers and operators
- Usability of AI-based medical devices and IVDs
- Implementation of the requirements for AI-based medical devices and IVDs
- Working with the AI guidelines
Educational objectives of this seminar
Participants shall
- know the relevant regulatory documents (regulations, directives, laws, standards, guidelines) and how they interact,
- know and understand the most important regulatory requirements for their respective organization
- can check whether their organization meets these requirements,
- know the specific risks of AI-based medical devices and IVDs,
- know measures to manage these risks,
- know which aspects manufacturers and operators should have agreed on when marketing and operating AI-based medical devices and IVDs
Target group of this seminar
The seminar is primarily aimed at the following organizations and roles:
- - Manufacturers, especially of clinical information systems, apps, medical devices, IVDs
>> Quality management and quality assurance; regulatory affairs; development; risk management; data science
- - Healthcare service providers, especially hospitals, laboratories
>> IT; quality and risk management; owners of clinical processes; purchasing; legal & compliance
Participants should have the following knowledge and skills
- Basic understanding of the MDR, IVDR
- Basic understanding of artificial intelligence (there will hardly be an introduction to what AI is)
- - Prof. Dr. Christian Johner, Johner Institute
- - Janos Hackenbeck, Johner Institute
- - Michael Engler, EMPIANA GmbH
Attention: This DMEA Seminar will be held exclusively in German.
Attention: This DMEA Seminar will be held exclusively in German.
Successful and sustainable implementation of patient portals and discharge management
April 8, 2025 | 2.30 pm - 5.30 pm
Seminar leader and moderator:
- Cornelia Vosseler, German Medical Informatics Professional Association (BVMI)
In this specialist seminar, participants will gain exclusive insights from clinics that have already implemented a patient portal and discharge management in accordance with the requirements of the Hospital Future Act (KHZG, Fördertatbestand 2).
Benefit from honest testimonials from clinics that have already successfully taken this path: From the tender to project implementation to valuable “lessons learned” - our speakers share their knowledge openly and concretely. The focus is on your questions: join in the discussion and gain practical ideas for your own implementation.
Target groups for this seminar
The seminar is primarily aimed at hospital employees and employees of software manufacturers.
- Thorid Gehrmann, Head of Product and Innovation Management for Digitalization at KRH Klinikum Region Hannover GmbH, reports on the successful introduction of the patient portal under the name “Dein KRH” in currently seven somatic locations. The introduction is currently being planned in two psychiatric wards. She describes the project run-up, the call for tenders, the project implementation with timeline and necessary process changes, the integration into the HIS and user feedback.
- Robert Schulz, Head of IT at Gesundheit Nordhessen Holding AG, has been using a discharge management system for years and reports on its introduction and experience in routine operation. In accordance with KHZG FTB2, he will also introduce a patient portal, whereby an “on premise” concept will be chosen here. He will present the challenges and unexpected twists and turns on the way to a functioning patient portal in a humorous way.
- Jana Glotzbach from the e-health and digital participation department at Vitos Clinic Giessen-Marburg successfully introduced a patient portal in the Vitos Clinic's specialist departments more than a year ago. She reports on the progress of the project and gives tips for successful implementation in the special field of psychiatry.
- Thies Eggers, doctor and community manager, has created a value-added map to show the “return on investment” of KHZG FTB2 patient portals. He takes the management perspective and shows which decisions need to be made from a business perspective and how project managers can bring about and communicate decisions in good time.
Attention: This DMEA Seminar will be held exclusively in German.
Attention: This DMEA Seminar will be held exclusively in German.
Hands-on care: Experience smart communication tools and AI first-hand
April 9, 2025 | 10.30 am - 1.30 pm
Seminar leader and moderator:
- Heiko Mania, German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors – bvitg e.V. / NursIT Institute GmbH
In nursing, time, clear communication and efficient documentation are among the most important factors for optimal care. However, many processes are still paper-based or time-consuming.
This interactive seminar offers a practical introduction to smart communication tools and AI solutions that sustainably support and improve day-to-day care.
Participants will have the opportunity to try out the latest digital tools for themselves - from AI solutions to voice-controlled platforms. In this workshop, they will experience first-hand how modern technologies can relieve the burden on nursing staff, optimize work processes and increase patient safety.
The seminar combines theory and practice and promotes cooperation between nursing staff and IT managers. The aim is not only to impart knowledge interactively, but also to demonstrate concrete solutions that can be integrated into everyday working life.
Experience innovative care - practical, interactive and future-oriented.
Target group of this seminar
The seminar is primarily aimed at nursing staff, nursing managers, IT managers, hospital managers and digitalization officers.
Participants should be open to digital technologies and interested in interactive training formats.
Required work equipment (participants)
Smartphone, notebook or tablet
- Dr. Thomas Hartkens, NursIT Institute
- Nicolas Adamopoulos, Talconic
- tba
Attention: This DMEA Seminar will be held exclusively in German.
Indexing of documents: NLP Natural Language Processing in routine use
April 9, 2025 | 2.30 pm - 5.30 pm
Seminar leader and moderator
- Prof. Dr. Martin Staemmler, Federal Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT)
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Bott, German Medical Informatics Professional Association (BVMI)
The seminar’s objective is to learn about and evaluate procedures for indexing the content
of unstructured documents using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and to gain practical
experience using a toolset.
Document analysis does not only involve recognizing the terms
present but also, above all, taking the context into account, e.g. for the exclusion or
qualification of a diagnosis. With further semantic annotation, the content gets available for
a wide range of purposes, such as the validation and classification of documents, billing,
the creation of summaries or for research questions.
As a result, participants should be
able to evaluate and select solutions and procedures for indexing the content of
documents and plan their integration with legacy systems.
Agenda of the seminar
- Introduction
- Block 1: Requirements for NLP procedures from a user's point of view (Prof. Dr. M. Staemmler)
- Block 2: NLP and large language models in clinical practice: current applications and future potential (Dr. D. Hübner)
- Block 3: Experiencing NLP and language models at first hand: Interactive insights and practical applications - Try it yourself! (Dr. D. Hübner)
- Block 4: NLP in practice - integration, operation and quality assurance in the context of data management (A. Müller M.A.)
- Conclusion & feedback
Target group of this seminar
The seminar is aimed at medical documenters, researchers and people who create and use medical documentation or are responsible for billing and controlling.
Participants should have basic knowledge of medical classifications and nomenclatures as well as basic knowledge of semantic labeling of content and characteristics.
Required work equipment (participants)
Laptop/tablet with internet access (WLAN)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Staemmler, Federal Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT)
- Dr. David Hübner, Averbis GmbH
- Annett Müller, M.A., DMI GmbH & Co. KG
Attention: This DMEA Seminar will be held exclusively in German.
Please be aware that participation in the DMEA seminars is only possible by booking a seminar ticket separately in the DMEA ticket shop. In addition to attending the seminar, the booked seminar ticket will also entitle you to enter the DMEA on all three days of the event.
All seminars take place in the _Seminar Room in Hall 6.3. Allow at least 20 minutes for the walk from the South Entrance to the _Seminar Room. Please use our route map (PDF, 1.0 MB) to the seminar area to find the seminar area in Hall 6.3.