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Terms and Conditions of Participation of bvitg Service GmbH on the DMEA Congress

If you wish to give a presentation (hereinafter also referred to as "contribution") at the DMEA as part of the "Congress" event, you must register and apply with the bvitg Service GmbH ("hereinafter referred to as "bsg") via the DMEA booking portal (hereinafter referred to as "portal") in advance. With your registration on the portal you agree to these Terms and Conditions of Participation.
1. Registration on the portal and application
1.1. All details on the portal marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, as it is required by the bsg to decide whether to accept your application as well as to carry out the DMEA.
1.2. The bsg will decide at its own discretion which applications will be accepted for presentation at the DMEA.
1.3. Your application will be stored on the portal even if your entry is not accepted by the bsg. The bsg will use this data for planning future DMEA events, for example, to address rejected applicants for future events if necessary. If you do not want this to happen, you can request deletion of the applications you submitted or your entire portal user account by sending an e-mail to This has no influence on the transfer of the rights of use with regard to presentations already given, which is irrevocable (cf. § 4 of these Terms and Conditions of Participation).
1.4. In the event that your contribution has been accepted by the bsg for the DMEA, you are obliged to provide the services specified in these Terms and Conditions of Participation.
2. Your contribution, presentation, photo and curriculum vitae
2.1. As a speaker at the Congress, you will prepare your presentation for the corresponding DMEA event on the agreed topic.
2.2. For your contribution, you will create a final presentation in PDF format to be included in the digital archive of the DMEA website, where the presentation will be made publicly available, and send it via e-mail to the bsg (e-mail to no later than two weeks after the end of the event. If you do not wish to do so, this circumstance must be expressly agreed in writing with the bsg.
2.3. As part of the application, a curriculum vitae and a photo must be provided and uploaded to the portal. The bsg, bvitg e. V. and Messe Berlin GmbH are entitled to use the curriculum vitae and photo in print and digital products related to the event (e.g. program websites, highlight flyers, social media posts).
2.4. You are responsible for ensuring that the lecture, presentation, curriculum vitae and photo do not infringe any third-party rights (e.g. copyrights).
3. Images, video and audio recordings
The bsg, bvitg e. V. and Messe Berlin GmbH will record events and lectures for documentation of the DMEA program in part or in full in images, film and sound, archive them and use them in the following manner:
- For broadcasting as a live stream as well as for public provision to download from an online platform of Messe Berlin GmbH and on the homepage of DMEA.
- For use in public communication measures of Messe Berlin GmbH, the bsg or bvitg e.V. in association with the DMEA (e.g. website, social media, print media).
- For editorial reporting as part of their public relations work in their own and third party print and digital media.
- Disclosure to members of the press for the purpose of reporting on the DMEA.
4. Rights of use
4.1. You grant bsg all rights necessary for the fulfillment of this contract. This includes in particular the right to publish your final presentation in the archive on the DMEA website, the use of your curriculum vitae and photo in print and digital products related to the event as well as the use of the images, video and audio recordings as described under § 3.
4.2. The concession of rights is irrevocable, unlimited in time and place, and transferable, and includes in particular the right to reproduce, distribute, and make publicly available the presentation, curriculum vitae, photo, images and video and audio recordings.
4.3. The bsg will respect your personal rights during the process of use.
5. Remuneration
Upon request, you will receive a free ticket for the edition of DMEA for which your contribution has been accepted. The bsg will not pay any other remuneration.
6. Reimbursement of travel expenses
6.1. The Messe Berlin GmbH will reimburse travel expenses for speakers at the Congress up to an amount of EUR 300.00, provided that your employer has not already reimbursed you for the costs. Reimbursable travel expenses are one overnight stay including breakfast (excluding extras such as parking fees, minibar, telephone, etc.) as is the cost of travel to Berlin (train ride or flight in economy class or fixed travel allowance of EUR 0.30 per km). Exceptions regarding the reimbursable travel expensesare possible in consultation with the bsg. Please contact if necessary.
6.2. In order to claim reimbursement of travel expenses, you must invoice Messe Berlin GmbH within eight weeks after the end of the event, together with the receipts. Please note that only costs actually incurred and documented by receipt shall be reimbursed.
6.3. The invoice will be checked by Messe Berlin GmbH within 30 days of receipt. The amount shown will then be credited to the account specified by you.
6.4. The guidelines of Messe Berlin GmbH for travel expense reimbursement apply.
7. Cancellation of the event
In the event of closure/disruption of the venue or for reasons of force majeure, Messe Berlin GmbH is entitled to cancel or postpone an event. In this case, bsg will inform you as soon as possible. Claims for reimbursement of expenses are excluded in the event of timely cancellation of an event. In any case, a cancellation is considered to be on time if it is announced at least two weeks before the event.
8. Personal prevention
Should you be prevented from attending on the day of the event or are unable or unwilling to make your program contribution for other reasons, please inform bsg as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to Furthermore, we ask you to find a person to replace you in this case (after consultation with bsg). bsg reserves the right to cancel the program contribution if no adequate replacement can be found. In case of need, the bsg will check whether any expenses can be reimbursed.
9. Data Protection
Please note the separate data protection notification by bvitg Service GmbH.
10. Liability
10.1. You shall release the bsg, bvitg e. V. and Messe Berlin GmbH from all claims by third parties regarding your contribution, your presentation, your curriculum vitae and your photo, which are based on an infringement of copyrights or other third-party rights for which you are responsible.
10.2. The bsg shall be liable without limitation for intentional or grossly negligent conduct and always in the event of culpable injury to life, limb or health, in cases of fraudulent intent, in the event of the assumption of a guarantee or in the event of claims under the Product Liability Act.
10.3. In case of simple negligence, bsg shall only be liable for the violation of cardinal obligations. A cardinal obligation is an obligation the fulfillment of which makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on the fulfillment of which the other party may rely. In the event of negligent breach of a cardinal obligation, the liability of bsg shall be limited to compensation for foreseeable and typical damage.
11. Jurisdiction and place of performance, applicable law
11.1. As far as legally permissible, the place of performance and jurisdiction shall be Berlin.
11.2. German law shall apply to the exclusion of the conflict of laws and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
12. Final provisions
12.1. Should individual clauses of these Terms and Conditions of Participation be invalid in whole or in part, or should the contract contain a loophole, the validity of the remaining contractual clauses or parts of these clauses shall remain unaffected. The invalid or missing provisions shall be replaced by the relevant statutory provisions.
12.2. Amendments to these Terms and Conditions of Participation (including this written form clause) must be made in writing.
(Status: October 2023)